
    Security question

    Data protection

    As required by law, we would like to inform you, that veterinary surgeon and practice owner Sonja Krämer is a licensed veterinarian. She holds a license issued in Germany and is a member of the General Veterinary Medical Council of the State of Hesse. She is subject to the order of profession assigned by this Council.

    Tel: 069-341951

      Contact & directions:
      Tierarztpraxis Sonja Krämer
      Westerbachstr. 226
      65936 Frankfurt-Sossenheim
      Tel: 069-341951

      Opening hours:
      Mon - Fri 9.00-11.00
      Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 16.00-18.00
      and by agreement

      Please make an appointment so that we can keep the waiting time for you and your animal as short as possible.