Veterinary emergencies

In case of veterinary emergencies, please call us ahead of your visit to notify us so that we can prepare for your arrival. By calling ahead you can ensure all necessary steps are taken to help your animal quickly. A call can also help in deciding wether we can adequately care for your animal on site or wether a visit to a specialised clinic is a better option. In that case, we can transfer you directly and inform the resident experts about your emergeny to save you precious time.

Outside of our opening hours, the following veterinary clinics are available around the clock. Here too, it is important to announce your pending arrival by telephone:

Tierklinik Hofheim
Tel: 06192 / 290 290;
Katharina-Kemmler-Straße 7, 65719 Hofheim am Taunus

Tierklinik Kalbach
Tel: 069 / 300 651 550;
Max-Holder-Straße 37, 60437 Frankfurt am Main

Tierklinik Frankfurt Bockenheim
Tel:  069 / 970 74 955;
Juliusstraße 12, 60487 Frankfurt am Main

Tierklinik Egelsbach
Tel: 06103-24583;
Boschring 8, 63329 Egelsbach

Tierklinik Dr. Trillig, Obertshausen
Tel: 06104-75 470;
Birkenwaldstr. 42, 63179 Obertshausen

You can also contact

Mobiler Tiernotdienst 24
Tel: 0160-8811884

Please note that veterinary clinics and practices have to charge an emergency service fee and increased treatment costs outside normal consultation hours (according to the scale of fees for veterinarians). In addition, there is an acute shortage of specialists in veterinary medicine, as in many sectors, so please be prepared for longer waiting times.

Tel: 069-341951

    Contact & directions:
    Tierarztpraxis Sonja Krämer
    Westerbachstr. 226
    65936 Frankfurt-Sossenheim
    Tel: 069-341951

    Opening hours:
    Mon - Fri 9.00-11.00
    Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 16.00-18.00
    and by agreement

    Please make an appointment so that we can keep the waiting time for you and your animal as short as possible.