
We look forward to your visit.

Sonja Krämer

Veterinary surgeon, practice owner

Dr. vet. med. Gisela Wittmer

Veterinary surgeon, practice founder

Vanessa Grommek

Trainee to become veterinary assistant

Lea Kage

Trainee to become veterinary assistant


Tel: 069-341951

    Contact & directions:
    Tierarztpraxis Sonja Krämer
    Westerbachstr. 226
    65936 Frankfurt-Sossenheim
    Tel: 069-341951

    Opening hours:
    Mon - Fri 9.00-11.00
    Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 16.00-18.00
    and by agreement

    Please make an appointment so that we can keep the waiting time for you and your animal as short as possible.